But if you bring back even one of the three villains, eventually more people will ask “why didn’t you bring back the rest of the villains?”
I said this a couple of months ago, but if G5 started to solely depend on G4 references by bringing back characters from MLP:FiM, it would divide the MLP fans into even more factions that don’t see eye to eye, with complaints such as “they should have covered this”, “they should have used that”, “that character wasn’t as good as this other character”, “that never happened in G4”… It would be an incredible mess, to the point where it would be difficult to logically discuss G5 (not to mention some discussions from G4 were already complicated to handle in the first place).
G5 has the potential to be expansive, with enough room to be creative in the future. And it’s not like Friendship is Magic was perfect. It had filler episodes, the last seasons had a weird structure, it had creative decisions that don’t match with the motivations of the characters, it had flanderized characters, etc. G5 can fill that aspect by depending on consistency and continuity. I think the team behind the project understands the concern and wants the G5 to be its own thing.
Hand over the franchise to a new and fresh group of characters.
To be honest, I don’t take the Equestria Daily polls seriously. I just wanted to use this poll to talk how G5 doesn’t fully need G4 references to be good.
And now that I mention it, I don’t believe in the “give to the fans what they want” argument, because I asked for Chrysalis for four years and they bring her back in the worst possible way in the season 6 finale to the point where I didn’t watch the rest of the show for 3 years.
The “listen to the fans” line is a nonsense phrase, it makes to sense, it has no starting point and no benchmark, it doesn’t matter. What fans want isn’t as important as unshackled creative freedom.