It’s a shitlist– hence the scroll– for users the mods have decided are frequent troublemakers/thread-ruiners, but who aren’t consistently duckish or disruptive enough to warrant a Duck badge. There’s one user I know of who used to have a Duck but dialed back the constant shitposting far enough to get promoted/demoted to Mystery Badge #1, and one who started out new here by overtly trying to get Mystery Badge #1, but overplayed it and got a Duck instead.
TL;DR: “Pisses off the mods enough to be branded for it, but not often enough to merit a Duck”.
It’s aSEEEECRET because they don’t want to encourage people to act like occasional asses just to get the badge, since that’s more likely to just breed more Ducks; the point of the badging system is to promote behavior that actively helps the site, like uploading funk-tons of popular images or helping translate comics.
It’s a shitlist– hence the scroll– for users the mods have decided are frequent troublemakers/thread-ruiners, but who aren’t consistently duckish or disruptive enough to warrant a Duck badge. There’s one user I know of who used to have a Duck but dialed back the constant shitposting far enough to get promoted/demoted to Mystery Badge #1, and one who started out new here by overtly trying to get Mystery Badge #1, but overplayed it and got a Duck instead.
TL;DR: “Pisses off the mods enough to be branded for it, but not often enough to merit a Duck”.
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