Finished Unicorn Overlord (and before you asked, yes, I romanced the fox girl).
This is definitely a game that takes a while to really get going, but once you get past those 8 or so hours of padding and figuring shit out, it really gets engaging.
It scratches that tactical RPG itch that Fire Emblem: Three Houses made me realize I had, and it does so in a way filled with some beautiful visuals (I’m a suckered for gorgeous 2D art in a video game), a mostly solid cast, and a plot that managed to make almost everyone in a war scenario feel sympathetic in some regard (while also avoiding the Steven Universe pitfall of redeeming the fascist main villain at the end).
That being said, the difficulty balance of this game really needed to be ironed out. A good majority of the game is rather easy, but there are two fights against Galarious (one within the first act, and one at the very end) that are just utter bullshit. I got so fed up with the latter in particular that I ended up cheesing the fucker with a Swordmaster.
Also, this game is surprisingly lacking in post-game content (or much of a reason to replay it TBH). Yeah, you get one last side mission, and a chance to recruit characters who either died or didn’t join in the main scenario, but it comes without much fanfare, and by that point, the only real use for them is in the colluseum. There isn’t even a New Game Plus, or anything like that. I wasn’t expecting like 30 hours of extra content, but I figured if they were gonna give us those characters, there would’ve at least been something else.
But yeah, it’s definitely still a great game overall, and I think Fire Emblem fans in particular will get a kick out of this game (it even has the rapport social link relationship system and everything).
Alright, that’s two relatively beefy RPGs finished back to back, so I think my next game will be something a bit different…
I suppose I could finally see what all the fuss is about with The Last of Us.