I’m not giving up.
I used to think Pelosi was somewhat over-hated but I've come to realize that she's legit causing more harm than good.
Also holy shit, NYT is actually fucking acknowledging that Rump is bad for Democracy?
[**The First Signs of Tyranny, From People Who Missed Them | NYT Opinion**](
__Exile. Imprisonment. The end of elections. We know what tyranny looks like once it’s underway.__
__But how does it start?__
__In the Opinion Video above, you’ll meet people from around the world who missed the warning signs of tyranny taking root in their home countries.__
__They can see the red flags, in retrospect. And they have a word of caution: The rule of law doesn’t break down overnight, and checks and balances don’t collapse in an instant.__
__Tyranny takes time.__
Like fuck, where was this kind of energy previously?
Also holy shit, NYT is actually fucking acknowledging that Rump is bad for Democracy?
[**The First Signs of Tyranny, From People Who Missed Them | NYT Opinion**](
__Exile. Imprisonment. The end of elections. We know what tyranny looks like once it’s underway.__
__But how does it start?__
__In the Opinion Video above, you’ll meet people from around the world who missed the warning signs of tyranny taking root in their home countries.__
__They can see the red flags, in retrospect. And they have a word of caution: The rule of law doesn’t break down overnight, and checks and balances don’t collapse in an instant.__
__Tyranny takes time.__
Like fuck, where was this kind of energy previously?