Viewing last 25 versions of post by marinus18 in topic Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General)


They also like to compare it to things that are more familiar. You can see this in how effective deficit hawking can be even though it's entirely fictional. With national economies, especially one as big as the US welfare is easily affordable and actually quite cheap considering a large amount of welfare money is collected back.
But people can't really wrap their heads around how big the US economy really is and just how many resources it has at it's disposal. They themselves struggle to get by so they assume their financial situation is indicative of the country as a whole.
There is this notion that welfare is like luxury spending but it just doesn't work that way. Welfare spending is a big economic positive and is really investment considering how much of it is collected back. But the idea of good stuff for free just goes against people's mentality of "no free lunch". That if they get stuff for free somewhere that means it will get worse for them somewhere else but that's just not true.

Also with "taxes" they think of them as similar to taxes for themselves. But in a capitalist economy taxes for capitalists are very different and also are on capital, not spending money.
As a worker in a capitalist system you are just insignificant and the economy is so big that it's more accurate to pretend it's infinite than to actually try to comprehend it's real size. People don't like feeling like they are insignificant.
No reason given
Edited by marinus18