For what it’s worth, I used to work as a minister (Shinto/Wiccan, so … probably not what you would expect but still a lot more of the of ‘doing the clergy thing’ like sitting in hospitals with people and helping people before and during and after funerals) and one thing I realized really early in that gig was that “Everyone Comes Out”.
The number of families or family members I talked to because their family was blown apart by the revelation that an ‘of age’ teenager was having homosexual sex was almost exactly the same as those blown apart by the revelation that an ‘of age’ teenager was having heterosexual sex.
Parents realize their 18- or 19-year-old teen is having sex? With anyone? Kicked out of the house. Family in ruins. No one will ever talk to anyone again. Reprisals and accusations flying left and right.
Finding out their child is having sex - at all - with ANYONE - seems to just fucking break some parents.
“What did we do wrong?” “How could we not have seen this was happening?” “Why would they not talk to us first?” “How could (darling child) do THAT with someone else?”
The number of young (albeit of-age, all 18 or older) … “parishioners” for lack of a better word … that I talked to whose lives were completely thrown into chaos by being outed as having sex - at all - was insane.
And it didn’t seem to matter if the family was conservative or liberal, low income or high.
For a lot of families, “Be child” + “having sex with anyone” = “parents disown child”.
The only time the parents saw it as a “coming of age”, which honestly is what I think you’d expect more in either Wicca or Shinto, only seemed to be when the child was no longer living in the parent’s house. Something about being in the house AND being sexually active was just absolutely a giant NOPE for some parents.
Before anyone asks, yes sometimes the child was underage and those did or didn’t get referred to local authorities depending on the circumstances. And, yes - most of those were abortion consults, which adds a whole new layer of hell to the whole thing.
@LP2Lily - I know this won’t help your circumstances. What you are going through is unique to you and your parents, and it is all going to be probably one of the most difficult things you will ever go through with them.
But at some point most parents stop caring about who their children are with, or might be with, or (worse yet) who they might be fantasizing about, and become joyful that their children are moving on with their lives and making their own families.
Some parents do not. And those parents need a kind of help that you can’t give them. When parents see their children as their own, even when they demonstrate that they are separate and independent human beings with a mind of their own, and are incapable of feeling pride or happiness for their own child when it ‘leaves the nest’ and finds their own path in life, then you’re dealing with a lot more than ‘the child is doing something wrong’.
Then it’s time to talk about boundaries, and setting them. Here’s something that might help (assuming that you might be a more mainstream religion, I chose something from a Torah/Bible resource):
2LDR: “Therefore shall [a child who has become an adult] leave [their parents], and shall cleave unto [their partner]: and they shall be one flesh” -Genesis 2:24
Original text King James, edits my own because wow every time I read the original text I am just so absolutely and utterly disgusted by how utterly misogynist it is. Even in Genesis, it’s like the whole point of the entire story was that women are property.
2LDR Redux: You are not property. And your parents will be shocked just to find out that their child is having or wants to have sex - who you want sex with is really just an afterthought. Sure, it adds some vectors to the discussion, but it’s really not unusual for parents to completely lose their shit when they find out their kid might be fucking.
What do you do now?
Now you remember that you are you, and your parents are your parents. You have your life, and your parents have their’s. Your feelings and the things that are important to you are just as real and valid as their’s are. And equally worthy of respect and consideration.
You seem to be both a little confused and shocked to have found yourself sexually interested in people of the same sex. Your parents will also be confused and shocked. But both you and your parents have time to adjust and to understand what this means for you, and for them.
Personally, I think that God/dess wants you to be happy and find love. I believe that is the whole purpose of the universe. We are what the universe evolved to experience itself - to ask the questions that it has for itself, and to find the answers that it is seeking. And two of those questions are ‘Who am I?’ and ‘Who do I love?’ So the questions you are asking yourself are the most important questions there are - they are, by definition, the very question that God/dess (the universe) is asking itself.
At the same time, the questions your parents have are equally important, and just as sacred.
But you must be you. Respect and honor your parents, and have empathy for their situation. But you must
set boundaries. This will hurt. A lot. It will hurt as you define yourself as a unique person, and it will hurt to watch the pain this will cause your parents.
One way to survive this is to create rituals for yourself that help you define and refine your boundaries.
Remember that you are you. You need to live true to yourself - even if you are still figuring out what that means.
What you are doing is hard. But it’s the whole point of being alive.
The things that are happening to you are sacred. It’s what the universe created you for. Remember that it is sacred, and it will be sacred.
And sometimes sacred things really, really hurt and suck so bad you can’t even understand how hell could be worse.
Here ends the homily.