A bit long, sorry.
I remember the first Christmas gift I wanted (the first one I could choose), I was excited to have
this hot wheel highway.
The day arrived and luckily I was able to have it, so totally excited I opened it and assembled it as quickly as possible. I took the car that came with the highway and tested it, it worked fine, so I went to get more wheels to play with.
When I came back from my room with my hot wheels, my mom and sister were “fixing my mess”; I don’t know who, but I assume they both didn’t know that the mechanism that makes the shark work was part of the toy, well, so my 6-7 year old self was trying to tell them not to break my new toy (whit tears in my eyes), but I just kept hearing “I don’t know what the hell you put in this thing” “it’s too tight what you put in the shark’s mouth” “¿why you do that?”. They broke the mechanism that made the shark’s jaw work, they thought I had put it on ruining my toy but they were the ones who broke it.
I’m over 24 now, I’ve never forgiven my mom or sister for what they did to the one thing I really wanted for that Christmas, I’m never going to do it.