I personally believe in a “muse”, a kinesthetic unconscious well o creativity which is what most meditation techniques try to help quiet because it’s often distracting, “objectively wrong”, or socially shunned.
Not that meditation is bad, but when you start practicing things like Za Zen and you get to stare at the constant rain of ideas and impulses that the brain creates, the whole “inner muse” becomes more of a “how does linear thought even work”.
So, for me, draw what you are inspired to draw. Take life drawing and gesture sketching classes, and after the class use what you got from class as inspiration for yet more random exploration of what hits your buttons.
Some of it will be erotic. Some of it won’t be erotic. Some of it you’ll think is safe, and when it gets uploaded her it gets tagged “questionable” or “explicit” and only In hindsight will you realize there’s nudity in the image.
My own personal example of that:
Because erotic stops being the driving force. Just drawing is enough. And everyone wearing pants is not always the thing you’re doing today.
My bi tendencies are undesired
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