Background Pony #DEF4
> [@Background Pony \#DEF4](/forums/art/topics/eqg-rainbow-rocks-10th-anniversary-art-event?post_id=5657017#post_5657017)
> I use Inkscape.
Based. The one thing I hate about it is that it doesn't allow filled strokes, drawing the stroke and also having a fill under that stroke immediately without needing to dupe it - or is there a way to do that by now?
Also based!
> [@Background Pony \#DEF4](/forums/art/topics/eqg-rainbow-rocks-10th-anniversary-art-event?post_id=5657017#post_5657017)
> I use Inkscape.
Based. The one thing I hate about it is that it doesn't allow filled strokes, drawing the stroke and also having a fill under that stroke immediately without needing to dupe it - or is there a way to do that by now?
Also based!