from source:
“February 8, 2012
:star: SHE’S FOR SALE HERE: [link] :star:
Curse my lack of photography skills! :dead:
Finally finished with her; she took some work! :phew:
I really don’t want to let this one go, she’s far too cute to be put in a box and sent away from me! :ohnoes: but alas, she’s for sale :XD: I guess I could make another for myself?…maybe…not…
I’m SO tempted to try and make Saphire shores for myself actually…I love a challenge, and I don’t think that pony would be anything BUT a challenge!
Oh and note the embroidered eyes? I love my new machiene! :la: Exprect some more plushies soon! :)
MLP:FIM (C) TO Hasbro/ Fluttershy designed by Lauren Faust :iconfyre-flye: