@T-storm Berzerker
Well,along with all your numerous annoying comments
“Hurdurr this pic would have been better without applejack”
“Hurrdurrr Dashie would later beat up aj in this pic”
“OMFG all u appledash shippers are wroooong Dashie was meant to be with pinkiiiiiie”
Why,of course it’s just a unintended friendly joke
Oh sir,I’m really sorry for blaming you unjustly
>Rarity background pony
Yeah, the 4th season threw that tittle straight down the trash.
>Mane Six Background Pony
>Not Rarity
No more background ponies in mane 6? Sounds pretty cool. :P
Dang skippy!
Applejack fer life~!
This. He’s just an attention whore, isn’t he?
It’s fine if you don’t like Applejack, more bestpony for the rest of us.
So true. Wtf?
Well,along with all your numerous annoying comments
“Hurdurr this pic would have been better without applejack”
“Hurrdurrr Dashie would later beat up aj in this pic”
“OMFG all u appledash shippers are wroooong Dashie was meant to be with pinkiiiiiie”
Why,of course it’s just a unintended friendly joke
Oh sir,I’m really sorry for blaming you unjustly
@Background Pony #A5A8
What, I’m Just playing. sheesh.
It looks like someone’s jimmies just got rustled
Dude… they’re friends.
How can you even… sigh.
Applejack is about to be erased from existence, and Dashie will become the dominant one.
Oh my :o
We fortunately don’t get to see what happens after that nose dive.