Don’t feel like you need to apologize for being mortal, life is cruel & unfair for so very many.
I recall a time, thinking how cool being an adult was gonna be.
But now we take painkillers every day to stave off our pains, yet they only help with some pains, not all…and taking them habitually comes at what cost?
We thought being our own boss was gonna be awesome, but nobody told us every one of those choices came with consequences, responsibilities & expectations
If you need a break, you should take one, if possible. <3
Nobody here wishes to see you burn yourself out trying to please us or meet a feeling of production deadlines.
I don’t believe anyone here who enjoys to watch Darky’s little body go SPLAT would be excited to learn she was truly gone, she’s beautiful inside & outside. <3
I can hardly fathom being an artist that is capable of creating attractive arts & actually contributes to the fandom, to have a talent others crave more of.
Take good care of yourself friend, You are not weak and you are worth it.