This artwork was created by the talented and amazing Ro994. All hard work and drawing talent belongs to her and should be directed as such.
With that said, onto to the description for this artwork. This here is an image of a fun idea I had been thinking about for a while now. Basically, I am a fan of many ships within this fandom, and my three favorite are SciFlash, Sunlight, and Flashshimmer. That’s when I realized that there was a possibility that all three could exist at the same time. Because there are two versions of each character (a human version and a pony version of all three) then that meant that all three of them could happen. It was just a question of what order they happened in. The trio is somewhat similar to the ladybug love square in which the end result is still the same (Marionette and Adrien end up together) it was just a question of how it would happen. Same goes with Flashlight, Sunlight, and Flashshimmer. There was so much story potential with all three ships and how they would happen and turn out.
Basically, this is just a fun little headcannon idea I had that I thought I’d share with everyone.
That, and I wanted a reasonable excuse to give Ro994 some money