After what felt like a strangely surreal afternoon
Stone Mane was very happy to get back to the relatively straight forward, down to earth world of Sweet Apple Acres in my Equestria dreamscape.
However for the rest of the day his mind continued to try and make sense of what he’d seen
and experienced in Carousel Boutique.
It was a world he’d never realized existed. An alien, exotic, beautiful…yes beautiful, exciting and yet slightly terrifying world.
The colt didn’t know why he found it terrifying. Maybe it was because he couldn’t explain the odd feelings he’d felt while being inside Rarity’s sanctum. Obviously that was realm where the unicorn ruled supreme, and colts and stallions had to behave themselves. Or else.
If he was back in Baltimare he could’ve asked his Aunt or Uncle. However he didn’t think this was topic he should bring up with the Apple family. Especially he’d known Applebloom’s family for a short amount of time, and the thought of discussing with the filly just made him more confused and agitated.
So after the evening chores and dinner the colt went to bed. Maybe it would all make more sense in the morning after a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately for Stone Mane sleep that night just left him feeling even more confused.
To be continued.