This is an alternative version of
this image with awkward legs changed + general fixes.
Love Net gets to meet one of the mysterious but incredible flyers from beyond Equestria. What’s more, is that Wonder Stream has taken him under his wing to teach him abilities Love Net didn’t realize he was capable of! He is experiencing so much and Wonder Stream is always there by his side. The two are forming a wonderful bond. Wonder Stream catches onto Love Net’s emotional interest and returns the sentiment.
Airlift “Love Net”: Part of an airborne rescue squad. A medic, therapist and wannabe professional flyer! Not an extrovert by any means but loves to bring others together nevertheless. A very energetic and hopeful individual who takes joy in seeing others heal and become stronger. Loves flying and always wants to be apart of a professional flying team. Admires those in said profession.
Wonder Stream: An athletic, highly spirited and freedom loving stallion from an unknown origin. Incredibly skilled flyer to always break limits. Very attentive and caring towards his admirers/viewers wherever he travels. Has creative side, can be seen creating various art and structures with clouds. Loves to fly far and often.