Comprising a smexy nurse, an avid adrenalin junkie, a fashionista, and a model. Nurse or rather Princess Healing Glory is the very embodiment of every injured stallions (and mares) joy when spending any form of time in Canterlot General. Being the commissioner and head of the medical department of the Empire at first you’d think would be a challenge. Fortunately magic and skill tips and NHS or other primitive plan, especially when it lacks a plot like such.
Nopony can touch thy royal hindquarters even in a medical situations for they are state secrets. Such quality flanks must be kept in mint condition for anything from dashing the isles of meds to accurately punch out prescriptions or it keeping thy self secured and still when precisely executing a surgery.
So the next time you ever get injured in Canterlot and shoe up for your treatment, be sure that her majesty will be there in an Instant speed and in Exquisite fashion to take care of you. All added with a god level care and discount too.
Done by :iconrocket-lawnchair: