Chapter 4- The Rise of Midnight Shadows
Back at the Crystal fair, a distant rumble echoed the sky, the crystal ponies were cowering in terror.
Shining armour defended his weak bride, Cadence, doing as much as he could to comfort her. “it couldn’t be thunder” he shuddered, “it seems… supernatural”.
“Where the hoof is Twa’light?” cried Applejack try to hide the false crystal heart. “The crystal ponies are getting’ antsie!”
Just then Spike came running from the palace, running as fast as his tiny legs could carry him. “Princess Cadence, Shining armour, anypony, help!”
“Spikey wikey” Rarity comforted him “what’s happening? Where’s Twilight? Has she found the heart?!”
Spike gasped trying to catch his breath “Twilight- crystal heart- King Sombra- help her -NOW”
“King Sombra is here?!” Shining armour gasped “What happened to Twilight! Is she alive!?”
Then the kingdom rumbled as if it was struck by lightning and black crystal tower ripped through the earth, slicing through the palace. The crystal ponies screamed as the sky became a dark and red as blood. A deep chilling voice echoed through the empire “Crysssstal slaves”
Breaking throught the sky of blood appeared a winged unicorn, the crystal ponies shrieked in horror, “Its King Sombra, run for your lives!” the ponies retreated in panic, trying desperately to escape.
“Hold on” Cadence peered at the shadowy figure, instead of a large black stallion stood a graceful purple unicorn. Shining armour stood in horror, “no, it cannot be..”
She removed her hood revealing her corrupted disfigured face. It was Twilight, black crystals spread through her face, all over her body the jems formed over her skin, becoming more crystal than flesh.
Her eyes were green and burning like flames from the underworld, a small thorn tiara sat above her horn. And in the center of her chest plate was the Crystal heart, softly glowing and pulsing as she breathed.
“SILENCE, PITIFUL SUBJECTS” bellowed Twilight. “Tremble, for you are all in the presence of the new ruler of the Crystal empire “
“Twilight” Shining armour came rushing towards his little sisters, “its Shining armour, don’t your recognize us ”
“Yes I remember, but that is irrelevant” Twilight turned away, “The Sombrian curse.. have you always known?”
“I’m your brother, don’t you recognize me?!”
“THE MARK OF BLACK MAGIC?” her eyes flashed “Did you know about it?”
Shining armour went silent, he couldn’t bear lying to his sister for too long, “…ever since you first got your mark… Celestia kept the dark arts a secret to avoid another uprising, like the Crystal empire…. We only did this to protect you.”
“I DON’T NEED PROTECTION, YOU FOOL. “ She snarled. “The Princess planned this my whole life, am I nothing but a mere pawn?”
The earth erupted with black crystals, her horn flashed and the Kingdom split in half.
“I’m through having secrets hidden away from me, I’m done being manipulated by everyone, nolonger will I hide my true powers”
Fluttershy quivered behind Rainbow Dash, “Twilight, stop. Are your insane?!” Rainbow barked back.
“Twilight, this is not who you really are” reasoned Shining armour.
“Twilight Sparkle is no more” her voice went hollow. “For this day you shall address me as… MIDNIGHT SHADOWS… mistress of darkness, Queen of Sombra, RULER OF THE CRYSTAL KINGDOM.”
A shadow grew from the earth taking the form of a large black unicorn, a twisted grin stretched across Twilights face.
“It is time for a new age in dark magic”, the disembodied voice declared “Like the phoenix, rising through the ashes will be a rebirth of a new empire”.
A wall of black crystals grew around the palace.
Spikes eyes widen in horror, watching his best friend disappear into the darkness.
“Twilight you are my closest friend,” Cadence stepped towards the possessed deformed unicorn. “But I cannot let the Crystal empire fall again. I don’t want to hurt you but I can no longer let my subjects suffer.”
Cadence drew the first blow, a blast of blue light hit Twilights wing. “Don’t interfere, Cadenza,” Twilight gleamed
“ you are in the presence of TRUE magic”…
The game begins