Background Pony #DE30
My favorite part about Kerfuffle in her show appearance is that none of the Mane 6, who were meeting her for the first time, drew any attention to her false leg. For that matter, neither did the show itself by way of the camera. Stuff like that made me really proud to be a brony, because it brought to mind that shoehorned Knuckles quote from the Sonic Boom cartoon about how drawing attention to the breaking of convention ultimately undermines the entire effort by implying that what’s being seen is an exception. Equestria has always been presented as this ideally accepting atmosphere, and moments like this, Scootaloo’s aunts, and the Lyrabon wedding (and the existence of a multi-season background b-plot building up to it) where there’s a clear breaking of real life conventions, but it isn’t the focus of the scenario really serve to highlight this fact.