note to derpi tag surfers: “startrix” tag belong here, don’t edit it.
“Hellz Ridge” coffee blend
recipe for a drip coffee maker with a 600 ml coffee-pot, and for a moka pot coffee maker.
(if you have a larger coffie-pot in your drip coffee maker, increase the proportions, and tweak it as you feel like)
put in the filter of the drip coffee maker this ingredients in no particular order:
- 100% Arabica, medium or dark roasting, fine or medium grinding, 2-3 teaspoons
- coarse salt, a quarter of 1 teaspoon
- cinnamon, a third of 1 teaspoon
- clove (spice), 1 head
- peppers blend, a third of 1 teaspoon approximately.
in a 300 ml cup of ready-made coffee add condensed milk 2-3 teaspoons, or syrup to taste 1-2 teaspoons, stir everything up, and you done.