Had the urge to Draw Alice all of a sudden. I mean, what reason do I have not to? She’s adorable, especially her mane, she’s insecure, she’s awkward, Discord likes her, She just oozes adorableness!
Yet for some reason I ended up making a feelsy type poster of her with a frantic discord in the background looking for her. I hope he finds her.
I won’t Lie, at first I thought the comic was going to be bad, I don’t really care much for art made with vectors of the show and here is this comic entirely made of vectors. But I gave it a shot and I really like it!
Find yourself is by EStories you can find page one here: estories.deviantart.com/art/ES…
I suggest givin’ it a read, it’s pretty good, the ponies down at Estories work real hard on their comics.