Equestrian Magic - Emergency Signal - Quick-Play Spell
Effect: You can only activate this card while you control no monsters in your Main Monster Zone. While you control a Link Monster; Special Summon as many of your banished “Equestrian” monsters up to the link rating of your Link Monster at it’s link point(s) (If possible). The special summoned monster(s) ATK and DEF become 0 and the effects are negated, also they cannot be used as link material. During the End Phase, banish all face-up monsters summoned by this card’s effect. You can only activate 1 “Equestrian Magic - Emergency Signal” per turn.
You can play this card freely on Duelingbook. I’ll even upload a few decklists that I’ve made just to get a basic feel of how the cards work. You’ll be able to change them to your liking.
Copyright for MLP:FIM belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.
Copyright of Yugioh belongs to Konami and Kazuki Takahashi.