Ask Movie Slate - Corman Month - Conclusion
Today’s Movie Slate is brought to you thanks to :iconssjcharon:
And here we are! Movie Slate’s Halloween event for 2018 is now officially over! It’s been a good run, and a bit of a learning experience for me. Most (if not all) of these updates were made with the bare minimum amount of material, time and work, using and repeating backgrounds, re-using poses, or even colouring over the sketch lines to avoid drawing lineart. It taught me a couple of shortcuts that I intent to use in future drawings.
So, as every year, I leave you guys with the following question for you to discuss in the comments. Do you think we’re approaching a movie budget bubble in the future? Have movie budgets gone so far up that there will be a point where profits aren’t even noticeable? And do you think that a low budget genre movie (like science fiction, fantasy) can still be successful? Let me know what you think about this in the comments below!
You can check Movie Slate’s post on Tumblr right here.
You can also check the Making of Post right here.
Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate and every single one I receive.
Thank you!