That’s right folks. Even more Pretty Pastel Ponies.
This time it’s the CMC.
Scootaloo An orphan streetrat, Scoots has a lot of scars from a rough life plus the shenanigans the CMC would get into in their Cutie Mark quest. Her wings are extremely underdeveloped for her age, making her unable to fly and uncertain if she ever will be.
Applebloom As she grew up on Sweet Apple Acres tending the land and caring for the ranch, AB also has a lot of scars. She’s also by far the biggest of the CMC and rather awkward in build–her hooves being too big and her legs being very long and gangly. She grows up to be almost as tall as Big Mac and quite a bit taller than AJ.
Sweetie Belle Just as dainty and petite as her older sister, Sweetie is the smallest of the CMC as well as the one with the least life experience. Because of this, she tends to be much more naive than her friends, but she also has the most genuine motives.