As the fight between the Loyalists and the Regency grew in intensity, Equestria found itself growing increasingly divided, and it didn’t end at simply supporting the Regent or the Loyalists. Within the Loyalists themselves, many ponies began to doubt their own goals, fearing that their leadership sought only to dethrone one tyrant to install another. Despite his general unpleasantness, the Loyalists knew Blueblood to be harmless, but some - both within and without the group - feared that the Loyalists might use him to establish their own domain, using Blueblood as a figurehead while they themselves ran Equestria for him.
Applejack and her brother, Big McIntosh, were former members of the Loyalists. Sweet Apple Acres had begun to suffer under various taxes and unfair regulations that were slowly damaging their livelihood. The Regent’s laws had begun to choke businesses like her own, forcing many to sell the rights to businesses that had been in their families for generations. Indeed, had it not been for a helpful hoof from Filthy Rich - another member of the Loyalist cause - Sweet Apple Acres might have been lost. During their time with the loyalists, Applejack and Big Mac had seen a lot of trouble, but Applejack had found herself more and more frequently at odds with Rarity, and began to doubt their goals were pure anymore.
During a meeting with Filthy Rich to discuss the future and possible danger the Loyalists posed with the possibility of trying to force a parlay between then and the Regency. Someone had planted a bomb in Filthy Rich’s mansion. The resulting blast had killed Filthy Rich, his wife, and Big McIntosh. Applejack managed to survive with only one missing hoof and several scars to show for her troubles. Sometime later, Applejack would find out that Rarity had learned they were planning on doing something that might sabotage the Loyalist conspiracy.
Grabbing Applebloom, Granny Smith, and the now orphaned Diamond Tiara, Applejack ran into hiding. For a while, nopony heard anything from them again. The Loyalists diverted much of their resources to finding Applejack, knowing that as long as she lived she was a threat.
They found her when one of their own safe houses were raided, the ponies inside killed or taken hostage, and a massive green apple spray-painted on the wall of the command room.
Thus the McIntosh Alliance was born.
Originally a coalition forged of a ragtag group of defectors from the Loyalists and disillusioned workers who lose their businesses to the Regent’s oppressive regime, the McIntosh Alliance was forged under a realization; neither group could be trusted with the future of Equestria. In time, it grew as more ponies heard the rallying cry. Supporting ideals of independence, of a new government not under the power of corrupt royalty or domineering regents, the McIntosh Alliance is a civilian militia that attacks their foes hard and fast, using guerilla warfare and surprise attacks. Lead primarily by members and friends of the Apple Family, the organization has grown in size, enough that the Regent wonders if they maybe a bigger threat than the Loyalists themselves.
Applejack operates as the General of the faction, with Applebloom serving as her second-in-command. Ever since she was betrayed by Rarity, Applejack has become resolute and firm in her convictions, and rarely finds herself second-guessing any decision she makes. While she might be arguably the most sane of the Elements of Harmony, many worry that her ideals are painted by a strong desire for revenge, and there is concern that whatever government she wishes to establish would be doomed to fail. Honoring her fallen brother, Applejack wears his harness every day, and has even taken to keeping things as short as “Yup” and “Nope” if extra words aren’t needed – something that has earned her the nickname “Big Jack” from friends.
Apple Bloom is the second in command, often doing the work Applejack cannot do alone. A gifted strategist who seems more scientifically inclined, having a fair knowledge of both engineering and potion-making, the latter of which she learned from Zecora. Personality-wise, she is similar to Applejack before the civil war, and while she loves her sister and truly believes in their cause, she worries that Applejack’s judgement maybe clouded at times, so she often serves as a conscience to curb the eldest of the Apple siblings’ otherwise more brutal tactics.
Diamond Tiara had inherited her father’s fortune and assets, and utilizes her connections and knowledge to maintain the organization’s financial needs. In the time since she lost her father, Diamond Tiara has come to view the Apples as family – a fact that seems oddly lost on her and Apple Bloom both when Applejack recalls how much they hated each other as children. Tiara is charismatic and sharp-witted, a skilled negotiator, with some suggesting in a better world her skills for business may have eclipsed her father’s.
Art (C)
MLP:FiM (C) Hasbro/Lauren Faust