“Really guys, it’d be a lot easier if you would just stay down and let me talk. I really don’t like hurting others.”
My try at my new Next gen, Still Nameless! I got her from DingoBreath and wanted to try my hand at her in my own style, though she looks a mite bit different. Still, I love how her hands came out. Super sexy!
Nameless here is the daughter of Dragon Lord Ember and Lord Pharynx. She is a princess who is strong, fierce and capable, though she is a pacifist (kinda). Unlike her parents, who love to fight and be dominant, Nameless is content when things can be dealt with by talking things out. While she is strong, she generally avoids hurting others by redirecting their attacks and letting them hurt themselves, a-la Jackie Chan.
Here, she has successful gotten a group of rowdy suitors to calm their tits and relax so she can properly reject them.
Possible names:
Any suggestions are appreciated