Artist’s Description
In my tired stupor last night I decided that attempting to draw a dancing pose was somehow a GOOD idea…
But anyways, Singe met Rasta and Casey at their club about a year or so after they married. (this is about 2-3 years before Bubble and Mako meet) Knowing Singe, he of course finds the exotic owl bat right away and starts hitting up a flirty conversation with her… only to find out she was married. Damn XD
But the relationship doesn’t end there. Despite the awkward beginning, Singe becomes pretty good friends with both Casey and Rasta. One day, Rasta commented that Singe’s dancing skills were that of a chicken with its head cut off and that he has the energy but not skill or grace behind his flamboyant movements. In a sarcastic jest, Singe asked Rasta to teach him how to dance….. And she said “Sure, why not.” XD
Rasta is one of the best dancers on the island so who else would be better to teach this pigeon some smooth moves? Lets just say, Singe is a pretty fast learner XD