TC: (pacing) “Ugh…where is he? He said he’d be here ages ago!”
CC: (slams open the door, running in) “I’m here! I’m here! Sorry I was late!”
TC: “Where the hay were you, Cheeseboy?”
CC: “Confetti was making me do homework and wouldn’t let me leave till I was done!”
TC: “Really? Homework? Can’t you just escape when nopony’s looking? That’s what I do!”
CC: “Confetti’s always watching me!”
TC: “Whatever, Cheeseboy. I have a new outfit I want to adjust and you will be my man-kin!”
CC: “You mean mannequin?”
TC: “Whatever, same thing! That’s what I hear Mrs. Rarity call those model statue thingies.”
(Cheesy puts on the dress and Thunder starts adjusting it)
TC: “You’re not telling anypony about my dresses, right Cheeseboy?”
CC: “No, of course not!”
TC: “Good. I don’t want anypony to know ‘cause if they did, I’d be a laughingstock!”
CC: “But…they already know…They see us talking at recess every day so it’s not a secret anymore.”
TC: “Dammit!”
CC: “Hey! Confetti said that’s a bad word!”
TC: “I hear my Aunt Rainbow Dash say it all the time, so it must be okay!”
CC: “Um…okay…”
TC: “Yesterday Diamond was telling me that we were just destined to get married and have foals together. Can you believe it!?”
CC: “Really? She said that?”
TC: “Yeah! Gross! I don’t wanna get married, I wanna be a bachelor!”
CC: “What’s a bachelor?”
TC: “Cousin Firework said a bachelor is a single pony. He complains a lot about being one.”
CC: “Oh. Hey, why are you putting makeup on me?”
TC: “To see how awesome you’ll look when you walk down the runway! I want you to make a scene! You have to dazzle them like a stage magician! They haven’t noticed you’re a star yet!”
CC: “Ok. I guess I like it!”
TC: “Good! Let me adjust this one thing, and…we’re done! Strike a pose, Cheeseboy!”
CC: (poses fabulously)
TC: “Awesome! We make a great team, right Cheeseboy?
CC: “Yeah!”